Seung-Hoe Ku

  • phone: 609-243-2684
  • email: sku@pppl.gov

Dr. Ku, 구승회, is a staff research physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, having joined the laboratory in 2011. He received a Ph. D in Physics at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 2004. After completing his doctorate, Dr. Ku worked as associate research scientist, associate research professor, and research scientist at Courant Institute of Mathematical Science, New York University.

His research interests are turbulence transport of tokamak plasmas especially on the edge region, and computational algorithms for particle simulation. He is the lead author of the full-function kinetic particle codes XGC0, and XGC1 that are supported by US Department of Energy through the SciDAC-3 Center for Edge Physics Simulation (EPSI). The XGC1 gyrokinetic code became the flagship EPSI code pushing the edge of the leadership class computers.
