Because of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, most scientific conferences, workshops, and symposia have been cancelled or postponed. The unfortunate consequence of this is that the low temperature plasma (LTP) community, like many other research communities, is now isolated without the opportunity to meet, network, and learn what’s new in our field. To remedy this situation, a bi-weekly online seminar has been organized. This seminar series, founded by Prof. Mounir Laroussi of Old Dominion University, is meant to fill the gap left open by the lack of scientific meetings and conferences. The seminar organizing committee has selected several outstanding speakers to participate by giving a 25-30 minutes lecture followed by 10-15 minutes discussion. The seminar, held on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM EST via Zoom, is free to access from anywhere in the world.
For more information, and to request the Zoom link and password, please contact Andrei Smolyakov- ( and Eva Kovacevic (
The OLTP seminar is sponsored by AIP Publishing and their Plasma Portfolio of Journals: Journal of Applied Physics, Physics of Plasmas, AIP Advances, and Matter and Radiation at Extremes.
OLTP Seminar Committee Members
All talks place 4:00pm Paris time/ 10:00am Eastern Time
Development of advanced plasma sources for semiconductor industry typically relies on detailed understanding of underlying physical phenomena of source operation. Comprehensive plasma modeling is typically used to perform such studies. Depending on the type of the plasma system and application, we utilize fluid, hybrid, or fully kinetic plasma modeling approaches. Traditionally, fluid or hybrid modeling approaches are used for detailed plasma source analysis and design within reasonable timeframe. However, with significant advances in supercomputing facilities, kinetic models are becoming more and more popular since they allow addressing advanced problems fluid codes cannot typically resolve. In this talk, we will cover a range of the plasma models used in the semiconductor industry. We will start with 2D/3D fluid/hybrid models for advanced ICP plasma sources for etch applications and magnetized DC plasma sources for ion implantation. Then we will transition to the problems requiring kinetic approach and will analyze magnetized DC plasma source both in 2D and 3D using kinetic particle-in-cell simulations. Finally, we will benchmark obtained results against available experimental data.
Speaker bio: Alexandre Likhanskii, Ph.D. is a Director and Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Applied Materials. His group is responsible for designing and modeling of ion implanters and advanced etching tools at Varian Business unit. Dr. Likhanskii is a recipient of multiple AMAT internal awards, most recently 2024 Tony Renau Distinguished Technologist Award, has over 40 publications in journals and conference proceedings and holds over 40 US patents.
The current trend of compact technological devices requires integration of different functionalities in the same structure. A way to respond to this demand is to apply multifunctional materials. Typically, the multifunctional materials are under the form of piled very thin layers or nanostructures with specific patterns. They offer the prospect of transition from material level of development to system level of applications. For example, to provide a dielectric layer with enlarged and well-controlled properties, one can use silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The AgNPs are attractive due to their multifunctional properties (optical, electrical, catalytic, etc.) and can address different applications.
This talk focuses on thin nanostructures based on AgNPs embedded in thin silica layers. Several functionalities of the AgNPs are discussed in relation with the targeted applications. The optical properties of AgNPs are used to elaborate highly-performant plasmonic structures [1]. The AgNPs biocide properties are proved essential for fabrication of antimicrobial surfaces with reduced environmental impact [2, 3]. Fine control of charge injection and transport in dielectric materials is demonstrated via the inclusion of AgNPs, thus providing solutions for MEMS RF switches and HVDC cables [4-7]. The critical for space applications electron emission from dielectrics under irradiation can also be controlled by incorporated of AgNPs in the dielectric [8]. Last but not least, the catalytic properties of AgNPs appear extremely helpful for the synthesis of complex nanostructures [9] or to describe the role of metals in cosmic dust formation [10]. Combination of different AgNPs functionalities offers even larger scope of device conception and fabrication.
Speaker bio: LAPLACE, CNRS, University of Toulouse, France Kremena Makasheva is Director of Research at CNRS, Laboratory on Plasma and Conversion of Energy (LAPLACE), Toulouse, France. She obtained a Ph.D. degree on Plasma Physics from Sofia University, Bulgaria, 2002, for her work on surface wave sustained plasmas. In 2003 she joined Université de Montréal, Canada for almost 4 years to work on surface wave sustained plasmas at atmospheric pressure and particularly to study the contraction phenomenon of electrical gas discharges. In 2007 she moved to Toulouse, France to work in LAPLACE laboratory on modeling microwave plasmas sustained by dipolar plasma sources. Since 2009 she works on plasma deposition of nanostructured thin dielectric layers, their structural, optical and electrical characterization and their applications. Multifunctionality of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) is in the heart of her current research. In 2015 she and her colleagues proposed an AgNPs-based blocking nanocomposite layer to control injection and transport of charges in thin dielectrics. Her research activities are directed to the study of reactive plasmas, design and study of plasma deposited nanostructured dielectric materials containing AgNPs for biomedical, optical and electrical engineering applications. She serves IEEE Nanotechnology Council (IEEE NTC) with different actions. K. Makasheva is currently IEEE NTC President-elect (2025).
*Joint Session with the International Online Plasma Seminar IOPS*
The use of electric propulsion (EP) for spacecraft is seeing growing application from both commercial and government providers due in large part to its ability to offer substantial savings in mass and cost compared to traditional chemical rockets. Underlying these developments are basic studies of plasma dynamics for in-space propulsion which represents a rapidly expanding area in the field of low-temperature plasma (LTP). Experimental study of these plasma systems has relied on physical probes as well as laser diagnostics. Recent developments in EP plasma diagnostics have leveraged laser based techniques that can offer highly spatially and temporally resolved measurements. The present talk gives an overview of several recent diagnostic advances that our group has focused on including time-resolved two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence (TALIF) for neutral propellant dynamics (to address the “breathing mode”), cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) for eroded/evolved species, and laser Thomson scattering (LTS) for electron density and energy. In each case, I will explain the diagnostic technique and give examples of its application to EP systems. The suite of diagnostics should also be of interest for other areas of experimental LTP research.
About the Speaker: Dr. Yalin joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University (CSU) in 2002 and is currently a Full Professor. He received his undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics from Queen’s University, his MA and PhD degrees from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University, and held a post-doctoral position at Stanford University. Yalin’s research interests are in the areas of laser diagnostics for plasma, combustion and atmospheric sensing. He is particularly interested in electric propulsion and plasma engineering and has developed several novel laser diagnostics targeted at these areas. At CSU, he serves as the Director of the Center for Laser Sensing and Diagnostics which includes approximately 10 researchers. He is also the Director of the CSU NASA Space Grant program which supports educational initiatives for diverse undergraduate students.
Lorin Swint Matthews is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Physics at Baylor University where she is the Associate Director of the Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics, and Engineering Research. She received her Ph.D. in Physics from Baylor University in 1998. She worked for Raytheon Aircraft Integration Systems from 1998-2000 as a multi-disciplined engineer in the Flight Sciences Department, where she worked on NASA's SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) aircraft. In 2000, she joined the faculty at Baylor University. Her areas of research include numerical modeling and experimental investigations of the charging and dynamics of dust in astrophysical and laboratory plasma environments, for which she received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2009. She is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
, abstract, slidesYang Cao is a Postdoctoral Researcher of Pulsed Power and Plasma Physics (P4) Laboratory at Technion – Israel Insititute of Technolgoy where he works with Prof. Yakov Krasik. His research focuses on the interaction of sub-nanosecond high-power microwave (HPM) pulses with plasma and neutral gas. Over the past few years, Yang has co-authored twelve papers that were published in respected journals such as Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. E, and Phys. Plasmas. He is listed as the first author/sole corresponding author in eight of these publications. As a PhD student, he was awarded as the Best Student Paper Awards in 2019 PPPS, 2020 ICOPS, and 2021 PPC. Also, he was the recipant of 2021 Arthur H. Guenther Pulsed Power Student Award from the IEEE NPSS.
, abstract, slidesNon-equilibrium plasmas offer unique processing environments to synthesize materials with exotic properties not achievable with other methodologies [1-3]. More specifically, atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasmas are attractive for their non-vacuum operation, which can facilitate and reduce the costs of their integration in manufacturing steps [4]. In this contribution, the use of atmospheric pressure plasmas to explore new materials and tailor their properties will be presented, including opportunities offered through defect creation, surface engineering, doping and ‘cluster-doping’ [5-6]. Of fundamental importance to achieve materials with desired properties is also the understanding of the underlying plasma mechanisms and therefore efforts in this direction will also be discussed. Finally, examples of plasma-based device fabrication will be described [7]. For instance, this contribution will include aspects that relate to plasma synthesis of nanofluids for solar-thermal energy conversion, functionalization of catalytic surfaces as well as fabrication of solar cells [4, 5, 8, 9].
1. AJ Wagner et al. Physical Review E 80 (2009) 065401 2. S Ghosh et al. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (2015) 314003 3. P Maguire et al. Nano Letters 17 (2017) 1336 4. D Mariotti et al. Plasma Processes and Polymers 13 (2016) 70 5. Khalid et al. Advanced Energy Materials 12 (2022) 2201131 6. V Švrček et al. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (2010) 415402 7. D Sun et al. Composites Science and Technology 186 (2020) 107911 8. HS Moghaieb et al. Nanomaterials 13 (2023) 1232 9. V Švrček et al. Chemical Physics Letters 478 (2009) 224