OLTP Seminar Series

Online Low Temperature Plasma (OLTP) Seminar Series

Because of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, most scientific conferences, workshops, and symposia have been cancelled or postponed. The unfortunate consequence of this is that the low temperature plasma (LTP) community, like many other research communities, is now isolated without the opportunity to meet, network, and learn what’s new in our field. To remedy this situation, a bi-weekly online seminar has been organized. This seminar series, founded by Prof. Mounir Laroussi of Old Dominion University, is meant to fill the gap left open by the lack of scientific meetings and conferences. The seminar organizing committee has selected several outstanding speakers to participate by giving a 25-30 minutes lecture followed by 10-15 minutes discussion. The seminar, held on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM EST via Zoom, is free to access from anywhere in the world.

For more information, and to request the Zoom link and password, please contact Dr. Ana Borras (anaisabel.borras@icmse.csic.es) and Dr. Mohan Sankaran (rmohan@illinois.edu).

The OLTP seminar is sponsored by AIP Publishing and their Plasma Portfolio of Journals: Journal of Applied Physics, Physics of Plasmas, AIP Advances, and Matter and Radiation at Extremes.

OLTP Seminar Committee Members

Past Seminars

OLTP By Laws

All talks place 4:00pm Paris time/ 10:00am Eastern Time


  • Eva Kovacevic, GREMI
    #s1847, Tuesday, 17 Dec 2024, 10:00am
  • Xin Tu, University of Liverpool
    #s1845, Tuesday, 03 Dec 2024, 10:00am
  • Uwe Czarnetzki, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    #s1846, Tuesday, 26 Nov 2024, 10:00am
  • Erik Neyts, University of Antwerp
    #s1844, Tuesday, 19 Nov 2024, 10:00am
  • Hiromasa Tanaka, Naoya University
    #s1843, Tuesday, 12 Nov 2024, 10:00am
  • Plasmas for Sustainability (abstract)
    Sophia Gershman, Princeton University
    #s1842, Tuesday, 05 Nov 2024, 10:00am
    Non-thermal plasma has potential to aid sustainability effort in water decontamination, distributed production of ammonia, the abatement of greenhouse gases and pollutants in air and water, surface decontamination, and by electrification of chemical industrial processes. The growing interest in this area has been reflected in many projects conducted as a part of the Princeton Collaborative Research Facility (PCRF) in low temperature plasma. PCRF fast imaging capability was used to investigate discharge formation in water on a nanosecond scale as well as discharge propagation along the surface of water for PFAS decomposition with and without gas bubbling. A PCRF study of plasma catalytic synthesis of ammonia demonstrated the need for a different catalyst than thermal catalysis. The surface of the catalyst was further studied using in-situ DRIFTS analysis. The DRIFTS spectra showed temporary and long lived attachments of N and CH groups. Sub-atmospheric RF capacitively coupled plasma achieved >90% reduction in methane concentration at certain experimental conditions. These examples illustrate the contributions of PCRF collaborations to the environmental applications of LTP.


  • Enhanced nanosecond discharges in aqueous solutions using a dielectric liquid layer
    Ahmad Hamdan, University of Montreal, abstract
    [#s1841, 22 Oct 2024]
    Nanosecond pulsed spark discharges in liquid are transient stochastic plasma channels connecting two electrodes. Due to a strong plamsa-electrode interactions, these discharges are promising in the synthesis of nanomaterials; some examples will be presented. Recently, we utilized two immiscible liquids, e.g. water and hydrocarbon, to intensify the E-field at the tip of a pin placed close to the interface. Such an intensification is due to the discontinuity of dielectric permittivity (εwater ~ 80 and εhydrocarcon ~ 2) and results in a significant increase of the probability of discharge occurrence and plasma volume in water, as the tip approaches the interface. Furthermore, such a configuration allowed the establishment of relatively long spark discharges, which makes time-resolved diagnostics (e.g. optical emission spectroscopy and ICCD imaging) feasible, in particular, the transition period from streamer to spark. Using this same two immiscible liquids, it is also feasible to produce spark discharges in hydrocarbon in contact with a conductive solution. This latter can be prepared by adding different salts to water that can be reduced by the plasma to produce nanomaterials. We will show some example of nanomaterials produced under this condition, including binary and ternary nanoalloys.
  • Experimental and numerical studies of two-dimensional complex plasma crystals Video,
    Lénaïc Couëdel, Physics and Engineering Physics Department, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, PIIM, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, France, abstract, slides
    [#s1837, 13 Aug 2024]
    Dusty plasmas are composed of solid microparticles immersed in weakly ionised gases. Due to the absorption of the plasma electrons and ions, the microparticles usually acquire negative charges. When the microparticles are injected into a capacitive radio-frequency discharge, they levitate in the plasma sheath above the lower electrode, where the electrical force balances gravity. Under specific conditions, the microparticles form a monolayer and organise themselves into strongly-coupled ordered structures: 2D complex plasma crystals. In such crystals, two in-plane wave modes (longitudinal and transverse) with acoustic dispersion exist. As the intensity of the vertical confinement is finite, a third fundamental wave mode with (negative) optical dispersion associated with out-of-plane oscillations is also present. Due to the strong electric field in the plasma sheath, each microparticle is subjected to a strong flux of ions directed from the plasma towards the electrode. The ions tend to focus downstream of the microparticles (ion wake), making the system highly polarised. In 2D plasma crystals, the interaction potential between microparticles is influenced by ion wakes, leading to the coupling of in-plane and out-of-plane wave modes into a new unstable hybrid mode and triggering the mode coupling instability that can ‘melt’ the complex plasma crystal. In this seminar, a review of experimental studies and numerical on waves, phonon dispersion relations and mode coupling instability in two-dimensional complex plasma crystals is presented.
  • Plasma-material interactions and sheath studies for regimes of relevance to fusion and propulsion Video,
    Dr. Bhuvana Srinivasan from the University of Washington, abstract
    [#s1836, 30 Jul 2024]
    Plasma-material interactions present a key limitation in the success of long-duration operation of electric propulsion devices and the development of the majority of nuclear fusion concepts. A fundamental understanding of plasma sheath physics is critical to overcoming challenges in plasma-material interactions. Plasma sheaths, although occurring on short spatial scales, can have global consequences in a plasma impacting the efficiency and feasibility of fusion and propulsion devices. Numerical simulations allow us to access the short spatial scales to study plasma sheaths as experimental measurements are limited in their ability to resolve such scales effectively. In order to accurately model a plasma sheath, high-fidelity kinetic modeling with sufficient spatial resolution is necessary. While sheaths have typically been studied using particle-in-cell models, the use of continuum-kinetic models, which directly discretize the Vlasov equation, permit noise-free numerical simulations of sheath dynamics. This talk will discuss continuum-kinetic simulations of plasma sheaths along with the effects of applied bias potentials, energy-dependent electron emission, and physical wall materials on sheath dynamics, all of which can have significant consequences in altering the fundamental structure and dynamics of the sheath region.
  • Psyche: NASA’s Mission to Explore a Metal World Using Electric Propulsion Video,
    Dan Goebel, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, abstract, slides
    [#s1821, 09 Jul 2024]
    The Psyche spacecraft was launched into space on Oct. 23, 2023 from Kennedy Space Center on a Falcon Heavy Rocket. The launch was the beginning of the spacecraft’s 2.2 billion mile journey to the asteroid 16 Psyche, located in the outer part of the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The Psyche asteroid is composed of mostly of metal, and possibly is the metal core of a planetesimal whose formation between Mars and Jupiter was interrupted early in the history of the solar system by collisions with other bodies that created the asteroid belt. The Psyche spacecraft is a hybrid, where Maxar, a major provider of communication satellites and now famous for taking photographs from space over Ukraine, fabricated the spacecraft bus based on heritage hardware from its product line, and JPL installed scientific payload, avionics and autonomous flight software for deep space operation. This $900M NASA mission is enabled by solar electric propulsion, which was first flown by HRL and Hughes in 1997. Psyche will be the first spacecraft to use electric Hall thrusters in deep space to rendezvous and orbit the asteroid. A two-year science program will then determine its composition and remanent magnetic field to determine if this unique object really is a planetary core...and what that actually looks like.
  • Integrated Multi-Scale Modeling of Chemistry in Plasma Reactors Video,
    Yuri Barsukov, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, abstract
    [#s1820, 11 Jun 2024]
    For the synthesis of new materials and the development of next-generation semiconductor devices, it is essential to understand better the chemical processes occurring in the plasma reactors. Both equilibrium and non-equilibrium plasmas are widely used to advance semiconductor manufacturing processes and nanosynthesis, such as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), ion and electron-assisted surface etching, metal-catalytic nanoparticle formation, and high-temperature nanostructure synthesis. The complex chemistry involved cannot be adequately modeled using a single approach or code because integrated studies of the plasma, the gas phase, and plasma surface reactions over long time scales are required. Such integrated modeling requires ab initio quantum chemistry calculations, molecular dynamics simulations, and kinetic and thermodynamic models. These approaches are to be selected based on the complexity of mechanisms involved in the chemical transformations and the conditions in the reactor zones where these transformations occur. Only a combined approach can cover the complex chemistry throughout the entire plasma reactor volume. As an example of such integrated modeling, we have identified the rate-determining processes for high-temperature boron nitride nanotube synthesis [1], low-temperature diamond CVD [2], conversion of natural gas to hydrogen and valuable carbon nanotubes [3], and surface texturing for black silicon production [4]. [1] Y. Barsukov, O. Dwivedi, I. Kaganovich, S. Jubin, A. Khrabry, and S. Ethier, Boron Nitride Nanotube Precursor Formation during High-Temperature Synthesis: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Modelling, Nanotechnology 32, 475604 (2021). [2] Y. Barsukov, I. D. Kaganovich, M. Mokrov, and A. Khrabry, Quantum Chemistry Model of Surface Reactions and Kinetic Model of Diamond Growth: Effects of CH3 Radicals and C2H2 Molecules at Low-Temperatures CVD, (2024). [3] A. Khrabry, I. D. Kaganovich, Y. Barsukov, S. Raman, E. Turkoz, and D. Graves, Compact and Accurate Chemical Mechanism for Methane Pyrolysis with PAH Growth, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 56, 1340 (2024). [4] O. D. Dwivedi, Y. Barsukov, S. Jubin, J. R. Vella, and I. Kaganovich, Orientation-Dependent Etching of Silicon by Fluorine Molecules: A Quantum Chemistry Computational Study, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 41, 052602 (2023).
  • Electron Beam Driven Plasmas and the Pursuit of Precise Control in Materials Processing

    *Joint Session with the International Online Plasma Seminar IOPS*

    Scott Walton, Naval Research Laboratory, Plasma Physics Division, Washington, DC, abstract
    [#s1815, 28 May 2024]
    The advantages of plasma-based materials processing techniques are numerous. The capability to rapidly and uniformly modify large areas (> 103 cm2 ) with high precision is one reason plasmas are widely used in the materials and surface engineering communities. However, with the ever-evolving demand for new materials and single nanometer-scale device dimensions across a variety of applications, some of the limitations of conventional plasma sources are becoming apparent. The lack of process control and excessive ion energies in the development of atomic layer processing strategies are examples. The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) has developed a processing system based on an electron beam-generated plasma. Unlike conventional discharges produced by electric fields (DC, RF, microwave, etc.), ionization is driven by a high-energy (~ keV) electron beam, an approach that can overcome many of the problems associated with conventional plasma processing systems. Electron beam-generated plasmas are generally characterized by high charged particle densities (1010 - 1012 cm-3 ), low electron temperatures (0.3 - 1.0 eV), and in reactive gas backgrounds, a relatively low radical production rate compared to discharges. These characteristics allow the ability to precisely control the flux of charged and reactive neutrals as well as ion energy at adjacent surfaces. This provides the potential for controllably etching, depositing, and/or engineering the surface chemistry with monolayer precision. An overview of NRL’s research efforts in developing this technology will be presented, with a focus on source development and operation, plasma characterizations, and how the system can be advantageously applied to the processing of select materials. Examples include graphene, where erosion and damage is a major concern and the etching of semiconductor materials, such as Si, SiN and SiO2, where the focus is on etch rates and selectivity at low ion energy. This work is supported by the Naval Research Laboratory base program.
  • Plasma-catalytic CO2/CH4 Conversion into Alcohols Video,
    Li Wang, Dalian Maritime University, China, abstract, slides
    [#s1742, 14 May 2024]
    The direct conversion of CO2/CH4 into high-value alcohols is a highly desirable route for efficiently utilizing these two C1 sources while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. However, this reaction is considered one of the most challenging research topics since it suffers from the contradiction between thermodynamics and kinetics. Plasma catalysis offers a promising way for CO2/CH4 conversion into high-value oxygenates under mild conditions, eliminating the need for a two-step high-temperature and high-pressure process via syngas. However, the resulting products are extremely complex, containing CO, hydrocarbons and oxygenates (e.g., alcohols, acids, ketones, and aldehydes). For this talk I will discuss different strategies used to regulate the distribution of oxygenates, in particular how to selectively transform CO2/CH4 into alcohols.
  • Etching of Silicon Oxide and Nitride for Advanced Memory Devices Video,
    Sangki Nam
    [#s1759, 30 Apr 2024]
  • Laser Diagnostics Advances for the Study of Electric Propulsion Video,
    Azer Yalin,Department of Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA , abstract, slides
    [#s1758, 16 Apr 2024]

    The use of electric propulsion (EP) for spacecraft is seeing growing application from both commercial and government providers due in large part to its ability to offer substantial savings in mass and cost compared to traditional chemical rockets. Underlying these developments are basic studies of plasma dynamics for in-space propulsion which represents a rapidly expanding area in the field of low-temperature plasma (LTP). Experimental study of these plasma systems has relied on physical probes as well as laser diagnostics. Recent developments in EP plasma diagnostics have leveraged laser based techniques that can offer highly spatially and temporally resolved measurements. The present talk gives an overview of several recent diagnostic advances that our group has focused on including time-resolved two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence (TALIF) for neutral propellant dynamics (to address the “breathing mode”), cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) for eroded/evolved species, and laser Thomson scattering (LTS) for electron density and energy. In each case, I will explain the diagnostic technique and give examples of its application to EP systems. The suite of diagnostics should also be of interest for other areas of experimental LTP research.

    About the Speaker: Dr. Yalin joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University (CSU) in 2002 and is currently a Full Professor. He received his undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics from Queen’s University, his MA and PhD degrees from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University, and held a post-doctoral position at Stanford University. Yalin’s research interests are in the areas of laser diagnostics for plasma, combustion and atmospheric sensing. He is particularly interested in electric propulsion and plasma engineering and has developed several novel laser diagnostics targeted at these areas. At CSU, he serves as the Director of the Center for Laser Sensing and Diagnostics which includes approximately 10 researchers. He is also the Director of the CSU NASA Space Grant program which supports educational initiatives for diverse undergraduate students.

  • Cosmic Dust Bunnies and Laboratory Dust Crystals: Building planets, breaking symmetry (video)
    Lorin Matthews

    Lorin Swint Matthews is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Physics at Baylor University where she is the Associate Director of the Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics, and Engineering Research. She received her Ph.D. in Physics from Baylor University in 1998. She worked for Raytheon Aircraft Integration Systems from 1998-2000 as a multi-disciplined engineer in the Flight Sciences Department, where she worked on NASA's SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) aircraft. In 2000, she joined the faculty at Baylor University. Her areas of research include numerical modeling and experimental investigations of the charging and dynamics of dust in astrophysical and laboratory plasma environments, for which she received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2009. She is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

    , abstract, slides
    [#s1757, 02 Apr 2024]
    Dust is everywhere. 99.99% of the matter in the universe is in the plasma state – it’s everywhere, too. What happens when dust and plasma get together? Dr. Matthews’ research is focused on dusty plasmas: tiny pieces of ice and rock a hundred times smaller than the width of a human hair, and their interaction with plasma, the glowing ionized gas that makes up 99% of our universe. She investigates phenomena ranging from how dust in cosmic gas clouds starts to clump together to form new planets (the formation of cosmic dust bunnies) to how these small particles can assemble themselves into incredibly ordered structures like crystals and helical strings reminiscent of the twisted helix of DNA. Understanding the charging and dynamics of dust is vital to understanding our universe as well as exploring our solar system. Numerical modeling of the coupled charging and transport processes allows exploration of environments which can’t be easily reached. These models must be validated by comparing with experimental measurements. This talk will provide a brief overview of current capabilities of numerical models and their validation against both ground and space-based experiments.
  • Nonlinear interaction between ultra-high-power ultra-short microwave pulses with gas/plasma (video)
    Yang Cao

    Yang Cao is a Postdoctoral Researcher of Pulsed Power and Plasma Physics (P4) Laboratory at Technion – Israel Insititute of Technolgoy where he works with Prof. Yakov Krasik. His research focuses on the interaction of sub-nanosecond high-power microwave (HPM) pulses with plasma and neutral gas. Over the past few years, Yang has co-authored twelve papers that were published in respected journals such as Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. E, and Phys. Plasmas. He is listed as the first author/sole corresponding author in eight of these publications. As a PhD student, he was awarded as the Best Student Paper Awards in 2019 PPPS, 2020 ICOPS, and 2021 PPC. Also, he was the recipant of 2021 Arthur H. Guenther Pulsed Power Student Award from the IEEE NPSS.

    , abstract, slides

    [#s1756, 19 Mar 2024]
    During the last decade, ultra-powerful (≥500 MW) sub-nanosecond (0.5 ns) high-power microwave (HPM) sources (X- and K-band) were developed, which allow microwave-plasma/gas interaction studies in a nonlinear regime never encountered before. In this talk, we present the results of this research carried out at the Plasma Physics and Pulsed Power Laboratory, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology over the last 5 years. Several new phenomena, such as ionization-induced self-channeling of the HPM pulse [1,2], HPM-driven plasma wakefield excitation [3-5], nonlinear complete absorption of the pulse [6], and its super-luminal propagation [7] were observed by experiments and confirmed by theoretical and numerical studies.
  • Atmospheric pressure plasmas: from materials discovery to device manufacturing (video)
    Davide Mariotti, abstract, slides
    [#s1755, 05 Mar 2024]

    Non-equilibrium plasmas offer unique processing environments to synthesize materials with exotic properties not achievable with other methodologies [1-3]. More specifically, atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasmas are attractive for their non-vacuum operation, which can facilitate and reduce the costs of their integration in manufacturing steps [4]. In this contribution, the use of atmospheric pressure plasmas to explore new materials and tailor their properties will be presented, including opportunities offered through defect creation, surface engineering, doping and ‘cluster-doping’ [5-6]. Of fundamental importance to achieve materials with desired properties is also the understanding of the underlying plasma mechanisms and therefore efforts in this direction will also be discussed. Finally, examples of plasma-based device fabrication will be described [7]. For instance, this contribution will include aspects that relate to plasma synthesis of nanofluids for solar-thermal energy conversion, functionalization of catalytic surfaces as well as fabrication of solar cells [4, 5, 8, 9].

    1. AJ Wagner et al. Physical Review E 80 (2009) 065401 2. S Ghosh et al. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (2015) 314003 3. P Maguire et al. Nano Letters 17 (2017) 1336 4. D Mariotti et al. Plasma Processes and Polymers 13 (2016) 70 5. Khalid et al. Advanced Energy Materials 12 (2022) 2201131 6. V Švrček et al. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (2010) 415402 7. D Sun et al. Composites Science and Technology 186 (2020) 107911 8. HS Moghaieb et al. Nanomaterials 13 (2023) 1232 9. V Švrček et al. Chemical Physics Letters 478 (2009) 224

  • Kenji Ishikawa, Nagoya University, Japan (video)

    Kenji Ishikawa is a Professor of Center for low temperature plasma science (clps), Nagoya University, Japan. His scientific research interests involve plasma-surface interactions in semiconductor processes and cover plasma effects on liquids and living organisms, involving plasma medicine and plasma agriculture studies. He joined the Nagoya University in 2009 and was promoted to an adjunct professor of the plasma nanotechnology research center (PLANT) of the Nagoya University in 2012. From 2019 to 2020, he was an adjunct professor of the center of plasma nano-interface engineering (CPNE), Kyushu University. He received the 11th Plasma Electronics Award (2013) and the 37th Outstanding Paper Award (2015), of the Japan Society of Applied Physics for work related to the in situ real time analysis of electron spin resonance (ESR) allowing to detection of free radicals on materials and living organisms. He holds his Ph.D. in engineering from Tohoku University, and has published more than 3 papers in refereed international journals and his works cited over 5484 times with h-index of 36. He has also given more than 70 invited talks and holds more than 50 patents. He has served as program chairman of the international symposium of advanced plasma science and its applications for nitrides and nanomaterials and the international conference on plasma nanotechnology and science (ISPlasma/IC-PLANTS).

    , abstract, slides

    [#s1741, 20 Feb 2024]
    Low temperature plasma (LTP) provides a nonequilibrium reaction field for chemically reactive species without thermal heating. For examples, nitrogen plasma chemical reactions compete between oxidation and reduction and the nitrogen cycle is relevant to redox reactions. In situ functionalization of resources can be achieved using plasma-driven catalysts. Moreover, nitrogen fixation occurs under air and water discharge and can be used as a fertilizer in agriculture. Plasma contacts liquid solutions, and materials are created in them. Plasma-liquid interactions induce some beneficial effects. The gain of pharmaceutical effectiveness has emerged and is called plasma pharmacy. There are no clear advantages and disadvantages of plasma-generated products, together with oxidative or reductive stimuli toward living organisms. However, short-lived species have not been a concern; controlled plasma-driven phenomena can be used as pharmaceutical drugs. All plasma-driven phenomena are categorized as a chain of plasma generation, a chemical reaction network with radical formation, and reactions at the surface and through the boundaries of multiple phases. These hierarchical interactions in plasma processing can be revisited and adapted for plasma life innovations through the evolution of plasma-driven science.
  • An introduction to the electrostatic particle-in-cell method and some applications related to streamer discharges video
    Jannis Teunissen, abstract
    [#s1740, 06 Feb 2024]
    This talk will mostly consist of a general introduction to electrostatic particle-in-cell methods, with a focus on the modeling of low-temperature plasmas. In a particle-in-cell code, the evolution of a large number of particles (such as electrons and/or ions) is tracked by solving their equations of motion. Particle collisions, described by cross sections, are usually handled with a Monte Carlo method. Electrostatic fields are computed at every time step on a numerical mesh with a fast Poisson solver. Particle methods can accurately describe a wide range of physical phenomena and they are relatively simple to implement. Drawbacks are that computational costs are often high and that results can be noisy, due to the use of a finite number of simulation particles. I will discuss several approaches to reduce computational costs: the use of adaptive mesh refinement, the adaptation of particle weights during a simulation, efficient Poisson solvers and parallelization. At the end of the presentation, I will present some examples of particle simulations of streamer discharges.
  • Plasma Micropropulsion video
    Jochen Schein
    [#s1739, 23 Jan 2024]
  • Characterization of Low-temperature Discharges and their Applications in Plasma AgricultureT , Video
    Nevena Puac
    [#s1738, 09 Jan 2024]
  • Modeling plasmas for CO2 conversion: from fundamental data to applications Video
    Luca Vialetto, slides
    [#s1692, 19 Dec 2023]
  • EM PIC modeling of CCP discharges Video
    Denis Eremin , slides
    [#s1691, 05 Dec 2023]
  • Molecule interactions with surfaces
    Maria Rutigliano, slides
    [#s1690, 21 Nov 2023]
  • Manipulating plasma chemistry using repetitive nanosecond pulsed power for plasma medicine and ignition for combustion Video
    Chunqi Jiang
    [#s1689, 31 Oct 2023]
  • Measuring the last few electrons on dust particles in plasma: from diagnostics development to application in industry Video
    Job Beckers , slides
    [#s1688, 24 Oct 2023]
  • Electron emission and backscattering from surfaces Video
    Franz Xaver Bronold, slides
    [#s1685, 03 Oct 2023]
  • Perspective of kinetic modeling for semiconducter industry Video
    Shahid Rauf, slides
    [#s1683, 05 Sep 2023]
  • Laser diagnostics in plasmas video
    Zhili Zhang
    [#s1682, 22 Aug 2023]
  • Development of CubeSat de-orbit ALl-printed Propulsion System (Cube-de-ALPS) , Video
    Minkwan Kim
    [#s1681, 25 Jul 2023]
  • Plasma nanotechnology in clean energy and environmental applications video
    Voelker Brueser
    [#s1631, 18 Jul 2023]
  • The Physics of Field-reversed Configuration (FRC) Fusion Reactors video
    Samuel Cohen, slides
    [#s1630, 27 Jun 2023]
  • The Sheared-Flow-Stabilized Z Pinch for Fusion and Space Propulsion video
    Uri Shumlak
    [#s1626, 13 Jun 2023]
  • Plasma in liquids for the synthesis of nanomaterials video
    Thierry Belmonte
    [#s1625, 30 May 2023]
  • Multi-temperature models for CO2 vibrational kinetics video
    Elena Kustova
    [#s1624, 16 May 2023]
  • Plasma pyrolysis of natural gas video
    Alexander Khrabry
    [#s1606, 02 May 2023]
  • Network analysis and graph based approaches for plasma chemistry video
    Tomoyuki Murakami
    [#s1605, 18 Apr 2023]
  • Plasma expansion in magnetic nozzles video
    Justin Little
    [#s1604, 04 Apr 2023]
  • Plasma and (electro)catalysis for nitrogen fixation video
    Dr. Mihalis Tsampas
    [#s1603, 21 Mar 2023]
  • Study of various configurations of micro hollow cathode discharges in Ar/N2 used for boron nitride PECVD video
    Claudia Lazzaroni, slides
    [#s1602, 07 Mar 2023]
  • Advanced optical diagnostics of cold atmospheric plasmas in rare gas jets video
    João Santos Sousa, slides
    [#s1598, 21 Feb 2023]
  • Streamer discharge propagation in long air gaps , Video
    Andrey Starikovskiy
    [#s1597, 07 Feb 2023]
  • Fundamentals and applications of coherent microwave scattering , Video
    Alexey Shashurin, abstract, slides
    [#s1596, 24 Jan 2023]
    Measurements of plasma parameters in small-size plasmas are very challenging as many traditional diagnostic approaches cannot be used. The coherent microwave scattering (CMS) offers a convenient diagnostic solution for such small plasmas. It is based on measurement of the constructive coherent elastic scattering of microwaves off the plasma object. Scattered radiation can be detected and attributed after appropriate system calibration to the certain properties in the plasma object including absolute electron count, electron number density, and electron-gas collisional frequency. Fundamentals of the coherent microwave scattering with an emphasis on Thomson, collisional, and Rayleigh scattering in short, thin unmagnetized plasma media will be considered. Ideality of the CMS technique in the Thomson “free-electron” regime will be reviewed where a detailed knowledge of collisional properties (which are often difficult to accurately characterize) is unnecessary to extract electron number measurement from the scattered signal. Substantially higher sensitivity of the CMS in comparison with the incoherent counterpart in the optical frequency domain (laser Thomson scattering) will be discussed. Several experimental demonstrations of the CMS in collisional and Thomson scattering regimes will be discussed. Applications of the CMS for diagnostics of combustion, electric propulsion, nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges, photoionization in near- and mid-infrared, and small-size glow discharges enclosed within glass tubes will be considered. Dr. Shashurin is an Associate Professor in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University. His research is focused on experimental plasma science and engineering with special emphasis on diagnostics and applications of plasmas to electric propulsion, combustion, hypersonics, and biomedical engineering. The research results have been reported in >90 peer-reviewed journal articles, >100 conference proceedings, and 9 patent applications. Dr. Shashurin is Associate Fellow of The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Senior Member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the recipient of the Welch International Award for 2008.
  • How to choose your nanosecond plasma: a bridge between kinetics and applications , Video
    Svetlana Starikovskaya
    [#s1595, 10 Jan 2023]
  • The Role of Plasmas in the Electrification and Decarbonization of Chemical Manufacturing


    Eray Aydill
    [#s1497, 13 Dec 2022]
  • Modelling low-current quasi-stationary gas discharges: mathematical aspects and a practical guide , Video
    Mikhail S. Benilov, slides
    [#s1496, 29 Nov 2022]
  • Electromagnetic Interactions in Magnetized and Non-Magnetized Plasma Metamaterials and Photonics Crystals video
    Mark Cappelli, slides
    [#s1495, 15 Nov 2022]
  • Plasma-combustion topic video
    Laxminarayan Raja, slides
    [#s1494, 01 Nov 2022]
  • Reactive species in atmospheric pressure plasmas: measurement and control


    Timo Gans
    [#s1535, 27 Oct 2022]
  • APS DPP Meeting
    [#s1492, 18 Oct 2022]
  • GEC Conference
    [#s1491, 04 Oct 2022]
  • Non-equilibrium plasmas for climate change mitigation video
    Deanna Lacoste, slides
    [#s1490, 20 Sep 2022]
  • Cathodic arc plasma science and applications: The known unknown and unknown known video
    Andre Anders, slides
    [#s1533, 06 Sep 2022]
  • Plasma medicine


    Annemie Bogaerts
    [#s1534, 01 Sep 2022]
  • Inductive discharges: past, present and future video
    Tsanko Tsankov, slides
    [#s1488, 23 Aug 2022]
  • Theoretical description and modelling of low-current arcs at small gap distances video


    Margarita Baeva, Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Germany
    [#s1489, 18 Aug 2022]
  • Dependency of wave-frequency and mode-number on gas pressure in partially magnetized ExB sources with 2D-PIC simulations and experiments , Video
    Cheongbin Cheon, Pusan National University
    [#s1647, 16 Aug 2022]
  • Low-temperature plasma technology for inactivation of pathogenic microbial aerosol video
    Dawei Liu, slides
    [#s1487, 26 Jul 2022]
  • Physics of plasma jets and interaction with surfaces video
    Pedro Viegas, slides
    [#s1486, 12 Jul 2022]
  • Hysteresis physics of inductively coupled plasmas video
    Hyo-Chang Lee, slides
    [#s1440, 28 Jun 2022]
  • UV light technologies for disinfection and purification of water and air video
    Leonid Vasyliak , slides
    [#s1441, 14 Jun 2022]
  • Plasma focus: novel dense-hot plasma and radiation source for plasma nanotechnology and studying fusion relevant materials under extreme condition video
    Rajdeep Singh Rawat , slides
    [#s1442, 31 May 2022]
  • Fast Spectroscopy of nanosecond plasmas in liquids: the quest for signatures of direct, bubble-assisted and bubble-driven discharge mechanisms video
    Milan Simek , slides
    [#s1443, 17 May 2022]
  • Plasma processing of new materials video
    Jane Chang , slides
    [#s1444, 03 May 2022]
  • Helicon plasmas, magnetic nozzles video
    Kazunori Takahashi, slides
    [#s1445, 19 Apr 2022]
  • From arc welding to wire-arc additive manufacturing – extending the range of application of an arc plasma model video
    Tony Murphy, slides
    [#s1406, 05 Apr 2022]
  • In-orbit demonstration of an iodine electric propulsion system


    Dmytro Rafalsky
    [#s1456, 31 Mar 2022]
  • Characterization of a radio-frequency inductively coupled electrothermal plasma thruster


    Trevor Lafleur
    [#s1455, 31 Mar 2022]
  • Tutorial on optical diagnostics of methane plasma
    Tim Chen, slides
    [#s1405, 22 Mar 2022]
  • Plasma oncology


    Vandana Miller
    [#s1454, 17 Mar 2022]
  • What LTP community needs to know about EXB discharges


    Jean-Pierre Boeuf, slides
    [#s1404, 08 Mar 2022]
  • Towards Kinetic Whole Device Modeling of Low-Temperature Plasma Devices - Algorithms and Computer Science video
    Tasman Powis, slides
    [#s1403, 22 Feb 2022]
  • Understanding the mechanisms of non-thermal plasma treatments on seeds video
    Alexandra Waskow, slides
    [#s1402, 08 Feb 2022]
  • Nonlinear Transmission Line (NTL) Study of Electromagnetic Modes in Capacitive Discharges video
    Emi Kawamura, slides
    [#s1401, 25 Jan 2022]
  • Classical Langmuir probe diagnostics: Validity, problems and their resolution video


    Valery Godyak, slides
    [#s1400, 11 Jan 2022]